Common Name: Broken Heart Plant, Monstera Broken Heart, Monkey Mask plant, Philodendron Monkey Mask, Five Holes plant
Botanical Name: Monstera Adansonii
Other names: Swiss Cheese plant
Origin: South America and Central America
What's special?
Swiss Cheese is climber type of a shrub, similar to money plant, but with a unique leaf structure. The heart-shaped leaves develop holes in it as they age – displaying a broken yet beautiful look. This low maintenance houseplant because of its eye-catching leaf pattern has got various cool names like Monkey mask plant, Five holes plant, etc. For its unique visual interest and its quality to show a fast growth under simple conditions as compared with other climbing trees, Swiss Cheese has gained a lot of recognition these days among indoor plant growers’ community. Clearly, this broken heart plant is charming, and with its green trailing vines, it will definitely add a tropical comfort to your space.
Growth Habits: Up to 30 feet high
Soil Requirement: Well drained Cocopeat
Watering Schedule: Twice a week
Light condition: Bright indirect sunlight
Ideal Temperature: Anywhere between 18 - 27 degree Celsius
Repotting instructions: Repotting is required when the roots start growing out of the container. Take a bigger pot and use fresh soil while repotting.a
Suitable Locations: Places where this plant can receive bright indirect light like windows, study room or living room, kitchen, balcony, garden area, etc.
Maintenance: Low
Caring Tips:
• Place this plant in pots with good draining system otherwise the roots will start rotting. • Refresh the soil annually with some organic fertilizer. Nutritious soil mixture is very important for this plant’s growth. • Keep it away from direct sunlight. Best to grow it under the shade of bigger trees. • Pruning is very important for controlled growth of this plant. • Best to keep this plant away from the reach of your children and pets as the leaves might cause skin irritation or some burning sensation, if ingested.