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Water apple

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Rs. 375.00
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Common Name: Rose apple, Red Jam, Wax apple, Java apple, Semarang rose-apple, Wax jambu, Bell fruit, Pani Seb (Hindi).

Botanical Name: Syzygium Samarangense

Other names: Water apple

Origin: South East Asia

What's special? This fruit will help you in your weight loss regime with its low-calorie content and negligible amounts of saturated fats. Its most unique value – it has dietary fibers but zero cholesterol - beneficial for people with heart conditions and liver disorders. Now comes the ABC part! These apples are rich in Vitamin A which is important for proper vision, Vitamin B for improving metabolism, Vitamin C for boosting immunity. And then they have vital minerals like iron & calcium and on top of all that – antioxidants as well. You will get tired, but the list of their nutritional value will not end. In a nutshell, this delicious, juicy, nutrition rich fruit should be in every potential home garden.


Growth Habits: Between 10 to 30 feet tall

Soil Requirement: Loamy soil that must be well-drained

Watering Schedule: Watering twice a week would be sufficient

Light condition: Full or Partial sunlight (5 - 6 hours of direct sunlight a day)

Ideal Temperature: Anywhere between 16 - 32 degree Celsius

Repotting instructions: You will need to repot every year or so when the plant is young. Moist the new soil before placing the plant in it. Add some compost for healthy growth.

Suitable Locations: Garden, terrace, backyard, balcony, etc.

Maintenance: Medium

Caring Tips: • The root of this plant loves to dive deep. Make sure you have enough space in your pot for it. • These plants hardly require any pruning but make sure your remove broken branches or trim off any sprouts that arise at the base of the tree. • Always give organic content mixed soil to this plant. • If you are planting more than one Water apple in your garden or backyard then make sure that you plant them at least 10 feet apart considering their future growth. • Also, this plant must be always protected from strong winds and frosts.